The Rule Maker (Rule Breakers) Read online

Page 21

  I pulled out my phone and tried her number one last time. “C’mon Flash,” I pleaded as the phone continued to ring. As with the last however many, this one went to her message box.

  “Fuck!” I fisted my hand through my hair.

  I couldn’t go to Portland. Not like this. Damn it all to hell, she would expect that from me—to just up and disappear. But I wasn’t that man she met months ago. How could I leave her when I was the root of all her problems? The resort demolition was my fault, and I had to make this right.

  Then again, what did I have left if I didn’t return to train with my team?

  Jason’s conversation played in my head. He believed I had more to offer than just my boarding skills. Hell, I’d had reservations about leaving even before this shit storm.

  Whatever I did have to offer, it meant shit if I didn’t have my girl. I was not going to prove her right again, not when I knew I’d changed.

  I pulled up Andy’s contact and dialed.

  “Hey, man, you coming down tonight?” he said.

  I paced around my living room. This was insane. The biggest gamble I’d ever taken. “No. Andy, I’m sorry to put this on you last minute, but I’m not going to be at training.”

  “For how long?” He could have been irritated, but I had a hard time giving a shit at the moment.

  “I don’t know yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll let you know.” At the moment, I didn’t know anything.

  “What do you want me to tell your sponsors?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Tell them to give the money to charity.” And then I hung up. The only person I wanted to talk to was ignoring me, so there was nothing to do but wait.

  Hours later, Zoey still wouldn’t answer my calls. I’d ended up on the couch, eating vanilla ice cream, but I had to stop halfway through the bowl because it reminded me of her shampoo. Fuck, I was pathetic.

  I turned on the TV and the first channel featured a property renovation. Click. I flipped through a few channels and stopped when I landed on Arrow. I tore off my shirt and slid under the sheets and continued to watch. That was, until the Flash came onto the screen. My chest tightened, and I swallowed hard. Shit, I needed to get a grip. But I couldn’t stand one more second of anything that reminded me of her, so I shut the show off, still just as clueless as to what the hell to do.

  Being here was the wrong choice. Same with going to Portland. There was only one place I should be right now—Zoey’s. Comforting her.

  I looked around me, at the emptiness of my room. This would never live up to Zoey’s apartment, or the feeling of her in my arms. Hell, the thought of spending a night without playing our stupid Would You Rather game gave me a headache.

  What did I want? I wanted my resort back. And I wanted my damn girl.

  Again, I thought back to my conversation with Jason. I tried to picture what he’d do if he were in the same situation, what ruthless measures he’d take to get his life back.

  Dread settled in my gut. There was a price I had to pay to make it happen. I knew exactly where I had to go in order to get one of those things back. Something I promised myself I’d never do.

  I’m selling my soul for you Zoey.

  I picked up my cell phone.

  Chapter Twenty


  Rule #41: Never wake up Lainey Taylor if you value your life

  A loud knock sounded at the door on Saturday morning. Way too early. The sun hadn’t even peeked through my windows yet, which meant this was either an emergency or someone was really drunk.

  I groaned and waited a few more seconds, praying that this person would go away. And then I heard it. A voice. A very familiar one. “Zoey! Open up.”

  I threw my pillow over my head. Nope. Not in a million years. He could rot out there for all I cared. I flipped him the bird for good measure, even though he couldn’t see it.

  “Zoey, I know you’re in there, please, just hear me out.”

  Lainey yelled from the other room, “For the love of all that’s holy, get the door, Z.”

  “You know who it is,” I yelled back. “No way.”

  I loved Lainey, but she was the grumpiest of morning people, and there was no getting her out of bed unless I set the kitchen on fire.

  Ryder continued to knock. I’d admire the persistence, but I was too busy hating him at the moment.

  “I swear to you, Ryder Covington, I will find very creative ways to torture you and dispose of the evidence if you don’t stop knocking,” Lainey yelled again.

  She told me he’d shown up at our door the other day while I was in the shower and she’d promptly sent him away. I’d do the same for her if Brogan was ever an ass to the nth degree again. But it looked like I was on my own at the moment.

  “It’s important. I promise I wouldn’t bother you guys if it weren’t,” he said. Something in his voice held a desperation that I couldn’t ignore. Plus, I didn’t want Lainey to have murder charges on her record. If anything, I was answering the door just for her benefit. I rolled out of bed, pulled my robe tight around me, and yanked open the door.

  Ryder stood there, his hair drenched, his clothes a sopping mess. Water beaded off his hair onto the floor, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in two days, probably the mirror image of me in that respect. Still, the sight stole my breath. Even though he’d tossed my heart off a cliff.

  I crossed my arms. “What are you doing here? You should be at training.”

  “I’m an asshole.”

  “Agreed. You can go now.”

  “You know that I hated the resort—”

  I cocked my head at him. The nerve of this guy. “Seriously, save your speeches for someone who cares.” I went to shut the door in his face, but he stuck his arm out, pushing it back open.

  “Will you please listen to me? Just hear me out for one minute.”

  I crossed my arms. “Sixty seconds. Tick tock.”

  “Take this outside, assholes,” Lainey groaned from the bedroom.

  I glared at him, but for the sake of my roommate, I walked out into the hall and slid down the wall to sit.

  “I’m listening,” I said.

  His eyes softened as his gaze roamed over mine. “What I meant to say was, I hated it at first, but that all changed when I got to know you. Your passion, your great ideas…you made something incredible out of nothing. Zoey, I admire the hell out of you.” He dragged his hands over his face and groaned.

  “That’s nice. I know you can use pretty words. You’ve done so before. But it doesn’t change the fact that in a few hours someone is going to mow down everything that I worked so hard to create. It also doesn’t change the fact that your grandmother—who, by the way, is a jerk—called my boss and I’m probably fired.” I could barely catch my breath as red swarmed my vision once again.

  Ryder shoved his hands in his pockets and shifted from side to side. “I’m sorry for that. All of that. You have to believe me that I would never purposefully hurt you in any way. That was never my intention.”

  “I’ve had a change of heart with my career,” he said. “As soon as I got a call from my manager to come to training early, I knew I didn’t want to do that anymore. And it dawned on me what I really want to do.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” He should save this for someone who actually gave a shit.

  “I’m getting to my point, and I have at least twenty more seconds before you slam the door in my face, so please let me continue.”

  I gestured to him. “Carry on.”

  “I want to run the resort. I want to create a ski school and work there.”

  I snorted. “You’re a little late. Last I heard, it was sold. But maybe that Jake dude takes job applications. Listen, I’m glad you figured out your life. Thanks so much for ruining mine. I’m going back to bed.”

  I went to stand and Ryder grabbed my wrist, whirling me around. “Zoey, I bought the resort back.”

  “You what? How?”

  “I did something I told
myself I’d never do—I tapped into my trust fund. I always thought I’d be selling my soul to the devil if I used that money, but it is being put to a good use. My mother’s memory. More families making memories. Future memories with”—he looked at me, his expression hopeful—“us.”

  “You are obviously delusional if you think I’m going to get back with you because you bought a resort. If you somehow forgot, I am probably jobless and have embarrassed myself with HGTV.”

  “That’s actually what I came here to tell you.” He smoothed a hand through his wet hair, giving that stupid smile that usually made me melt. “I made a few calls. The show is still filming today—if you’re up for it, of course.”


  He shrugged. “The producer was a little confused, but I made sure everything was straightened out. She’s expecting you there for hair and makeup at two.”

  My voice wobbled as I said, “You didn’t have to do that.” But holy hell, he had. No one had ever done something like this for me. For us. “I don’t even know what to say. I’m just… Wow.”

  “Is that a good wow or a bad wow?”

  “I haven’t decided.” Tears blurred my vision. This was all just so much to process. First losing the resort, then possibly my job, which was still on the table, and now I had my interview. “Why?”

  He shook his head, his brows furrowing, and that cute line between his brows appeared. “Why what?”

  “Why did you do this?”

  He looked at me, bewildered. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “No, Ryder, it isn’t. Because last I knew, you were going to training and weren’t coming back.”

  He hesitated for a moment, mashing his lips together. “I love you, Zoey.” He looked at me, those blue eyes so intense, searing a hole straight to my soul. “I’m not good at this whole relationship thing, and I managed to screw it up without even trying. But I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And when my family hurt you?” He swallowed hard. “I saw the light go out in your eyes. You are the type of person that can do good in this world, someone I can only hope to deserve one day. I can’t promise everything will be perfect, but I’m moving to Seattle permanently. I want to be a part of your life. God, Zoey, I love you so much I’d move a mountain for you if I could. Please don’t shut me out,” he pleaded.

  “You bought one instead,” I managed to say, laughing at how ridiculous that sounded. A mountain. He bought the resort back so he could stay here. With me. And he fixed the television shoot while he was at it. He wouldn’t have gone through all that unless he truly did care.

  Tears streamed down my face, and Ryder wiped them away with his thumbs.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on here.” He frowned, his eyes tracking my face. “You’re laughing. Does that mean you forgive me?”

  I nodded. “You really did all this for me?”

  “For us, Zoey. You’re worth it,” he said, pulling me into his arms.

  “Say it again,” I murmured into his chest, ignoring the raindrops soaking into my clothes.

  “Say what?”

  “That you love me.”

  He pulled me tighter, his hand stroking my hair. “I love you, Zoey. So much I haven’t slept in two days.”

  God, I loved being in his arms. I loved his smell, the way he made me feel. “I love you, too,” I said.

  He pulled back and smiled. “Are you ready to do that interview?”

  “Only if you’ll be there with me.”

  He pressed his lips to my forehead. “Always.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Three Weeks Later

  I made the best decision of my life by not returning to train. Zoey’s clothes, specifically, more leggings than I could count, had taken up residence in one of my drawers at my apartment, and we spent most of our time over there, since it was closer to her work. She’d managed to keep her job at the firm. Funny how a well-known TV show seemed to smooth things over with her boss. That, and the fact my brother promised many more projects for Bass and Goldstein with Zoey as the lead designer. The grand opening went off without a hitch, but there was a recent addition to the resort I was excited to show Zoey.

  Her fingers intertwined with my own as I drove her up to the resort. “Aren’t you even going to give me a little hint as to why you’re bringing me up here?”

  “Nope. Would you rather enjoy the surprise or stare daggers in my direction the rest of the car ride?”

  She pouted. “You’re no fun.”

  “I remember you singing a different tune last night,” I said.

  “You drive me insane.” She smacked me in the chest, and I smiled back at her.

  I grinned at her. She was so easy to rile up. “You love it,” I said.

  She nodded. “I do.”

  That would never get old. I didn’t know what I did to deserve a woman like her, but I sure as heck wasn’t going to screw it up again.

  I put the truck in park, ran around to the other side, and opened the door for her.

  We walked up the main path to the resort, and then I veered to the left, giving her a clear view of the side of the building, the area where people could purchase lift tickets and equipment rentals.

  I motioned to the sign carved out of wood, hanging at the apex of the roof.

  Covington Ski School

  “The perfect final touch to the resort,” she said, beaming.

  It was all because of her. I would have never had the courage otherwise to take such a big risk.

  “It is. And I’m going to offer free lessons to children and adults with disabilities.” I’d been thinking a lot lately, and decided I could combine two things that I loved—working with kids and snow sports.

  I hadn’t talked to my grandparents since they tried to sell the resort to Jake. Honestly, I didn’t know if I’d ever talk to them again after what they did to Zoey and Jason. I’d cashed out my trust fund and wouldn’t feel a damn ounce of guilt. It went toward something great.

  Zoey squeezed my hand. “This is perfect, Ryder. The best part of the place by far.”

  “I have a few people who are interested in investing and starting up other resorts and ski schools around the nation if this works out.”

  “That’s amazing, Ryder.” She beamed at me, and it melted my fucking heart. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I told them they could use the company name under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They use your design firm.”

  “Oh, Ryder. You didn’t have to do that, but thank you.” She leaned into me, and I wrapped my arm around her. Nothing ever felt so right as when I was doing something with her.

  “You’re my partner in crime, Flash. We stick together.”

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  As always, I am forever indebted to my fabulous and insightful editor, Candace Havens. Thank you for guiding me and helping me through this book.

  Thank you to my rock star agent, Courtney Miller-Callihan who is always in my corner.

  A shout-out to my author friends and my reader group, whose love and support always brightens my day. Love you guys.

  To those who sent me lovely emails and messages about The Rule Book, thank you times one billion. Your kind words and excitement for Zoey’s book got me through a very tough time.

  And, as always, thank you to my family. My books wouldn’t be possible without you.

  About the Author

  Jennifer Blackwood is an English teacher and contemporary romance author. She lives in Oregon with her husband, son, and poorly behaved black lab puppy. When she isn’t writing or teaching, she’s binging on Veronica Mars episodes and white cheddar popcorn.

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